In this lesson you're going to learn how to use some more lethal weapons.

FORKS are ways of THREATENING two pieces in different directions.

But you can also THREATEN two pieces in the same direction.

The first weapon we look at in this lesson is the PIN!

Funny things, PINS!

Sometimes they're completely harmless.

Sometimes they're not very dangerous as long as you're careful to look what you're doing.

But some PINS are like a knife piercing your opponent right through the heart.

But don't be scared. Join me now and learn for yourself how to PIN and WIN!

A PIN is a situation where one of your LINE PIECES: Bishop, Rook or Queen, is in line with a more valuable enemy piece, and the line is blocked by another enemy piece.

This diagram shows you how PINS often arise in the opening. The Knights on c3 and c6 CANNOT move. If they do, they will expose their King to a CHECK by a Bishop.

The Knights on f3 and f6 CAN move, but if they do so, they will expose the Queen to attack. Suppose White moved his Knight from f3 to d2. This would be a mistake: Black would be able to capture the White Queen with his Bishop on g4!

Those PINS were slightly inconvenient, but not dangerous.

But just take a look at this PIN!

This time the Rook is PINNING the Black Queen to the King. The Queen CAN move backwards or forwards, but CANNOT escape the Rook's attack by moving sideways, because that would leave the Black King IN CHECK.

Whatever Black does he is going to lose his Queen! I think you'll agree that THAT PIN was pretty scary!

Now have a go for yourself.

It's White's move. How can he use his Bishop to PIN and win the Black Queen?

Here's something else you can do with a PIN!

Here, the White Bishop is PINNING the Black Knight to the King. White can use a Pawn to THREATEN the PINNED Knight. Because of the PIN the Knight can't run away, so White will win it next move. Do you see how?

Here's another wicked thing you can do with a PIN!

To understand this you have to look at ALL the pieces on the board!

At first it looks like it would be a mistake for White to capture the Knight on g6 with his Rook.

But look again and you'll see that the Bishop on c4 is PINNING the Pawn on f7 to the King.

So White can play Rg1xg6 and win a free Knight. Black cannot take the Rook without exposing his King to check.

Here's another example for you to try for yourself.

The White Rook is PINNING the Black Pawn on c7 to the King. What really strong move can White play with his Queen?

A couple more questions for you.

You're White. Black's just moved his Knight from c6 to d4.

Is it a good idea for White to play Nf3xd4?

Yes No

And in this position, is it a good idea for White to play Ne4-d6?

Yes - it's CHECKMATE No

OK, if you think you're so clever, how can White set up a PIN here?

And what would you play if you were White in this position?

This position's a bit harder. White's Bishop on c4 is PINNING the Black Pawn on f7. How can White use this PIN to win a vital Pawn with his Queen?

This time the White Queen is PINNING the Black Knight to his King. It can't move so all White has to do is THREATEN it and he'll win it next move. How can he use a Pawn to do this?

Just to be different, this time you're BLACK. The White Bishop on e2 is PINNED by the Black Queen. How can you use this to deliver CHECKMATE with your Knight?

Now for an example of how to get out of a PIN.

This looks bad for Black. White's just moved his Pawn to d5 to THREATEN the PINNED Knight on c6.

It's a bit tricky, but there is a way out for Black. Do you see it?

You can move your Pawn from a7 to a6 to THREATEN the Bishop. If the Bishop moves back to a4 you can then play b7-b5 to THREATEN the Bishop again and BREAK the PIN.

The Black Bishop is PINNING the White Knight in this position, but White can turn the PIN to his advantage.

Can you see the move?

Try moving your PINNED Knight from f3 to g5, CHECKING the Black King.

Black has to get out of check, and, next move, White can play Qd1xg4.

Time to look at another lethal weapon: the SKEWER.

If you've ever eaten a kebab you'll know what a SKEWER is.

But how can you use a SKEWER when you're playing chess?

Let's have a look!

A SKEWER is like a PIN the other way round.

Your piece THREATENS a more valuable piece, which has to move, allowing you to take a less valuable piece behind it.

Here's a simple example. White has just moved his Rook to CHECK the Black King.

The Black King must move aside, letting White CAPTURE the Black Rook next move.

Simple enough, isn't is?

Let's see if you can find a SKEWER yourself.

Remember, you must move your Queen onto the SAME LINE as both the Black pieces.

Here's an example from the opening. How can White use a Bishop to SKEWER two Black pieces?

A few tips to help you use PINS and SKEWERS in your games.

It's often a good idea to place your BISHOPS, ROOKS and QUEEN on the same line as more valuable enemy pieces.

If there's another enemy piece in the way it will be PINNED.

Look out for ways to THREATEN the PINNED piece again.

And, if your opponent PINS one of your pieces it's often safest to get out of the PIN by moving the piece behind the PINNED piece out of the way.

Remember: PIN AND WIN!!

You have now completed the LEARNING ABOUT PINS & SKEWERS assignment.