Welcome back. Perhaps you'd like to tell me what you'd like me to call you in this quiz.

Hello kiddo.

You have to get every question right to pass the Very Hard Exam about KNIGHT FORKS.

If you get a question wrong you get kicked out of the window!

So you need to be very careful and think very hard.

I passed the last exam so I'm good at KNIGHT moves.
Great! I can reach the cookies on the top shelf!
No way! I'm scared of heights!
Only your first answer counts.

If you get a question wrong first time you can try again but you won't score a point.

If you really want to stand on the naughty chair give the right answer, then the wrong answer!

Q1. Where should the WHITE KNIGHT move to FORK the TWO BLACK ROOKS?

Q2. Where should the WHITE KNIGHT move to FORK the TWO BLACK ROOKS?

Q3. Where should the WHITE KNIGHT move to FORK the TWO BLACK ROOKS?

Q4. Where should the WHITE KNIGHT move to FORK the TWO BLACK ROOKS?

Q5. Where should the WHITE KNIGHT move to FORK the TWO BLACK ROOKS?
Congratulations, Kiddo!!

You have now completed the PLAYING SAFE quiz.

Knights are tricky pieces. You need some more practice in moving knights round the board. The next lesson will help you.

Great! I'll go and do it now!
I'd like to repeat the quiz first and get my certificate
I'll do it later if you don't mind - I have to go now