Welcome back. Perhaps you'd like to tell me what you'd like me to call you this time.

Hello kiddo.

You have to get every question right to pass the Very Hard CAPTURING Exam.

If you get a question wrong something extremely horrible will happen to you!

So you need to be very careful and think very hard.

No problem. I'm brilliant at looking for captures.
I can't wait to see what happens if I get them wrong!
I've forgotten how the pieces move.
Only your first answer counts.

If you get a question wrong first time you can try again but you won't score a point.

If you really want to find out what happens give the right answer, then the wrong answer!

Q1. Is it a good idea for White to CAPTURE the Black Knight with his Rook?

Don't know

Q2. Is it a good idea for White to CAPTURE the Black Knight with his Rook?

No idea

Q3. Is it a good idea for White to CAPTURE the Black Rook with his Bishop?

Who knows?

Q4. Is it a good idea for White to CAPTURE the Black Knight with his Rook?

Who cares?

Q5. With which piece should White CAPTURE the Knight on e4?

The Pawn on d3
The Rook on e1
Either of them

Q6. Which Knight should White CAPTURE?

The Knight on e5
The Knight on b4
It doesn't matter

Q7. Is it a good idea for White to move his Queen to h5?

I haven't a clue

Q8. Which piece should White move next?

The Bishop on b5
The Knight on c3
It doesn't matter

Q9. Should White CAPTURE the Black Pawn on e5?

Am I bothered?

Q10. Should White CAPTURE the Black Pawn on e5?

It's too hard for me

Congratulations, Kiddo!!

You have now completed the CAPTURING exam.

Looking for what you can capture and what your opponent can capture is the key to success at chess.

But there's a lot more to learn as well.

Can I do the next lesson now?
I'd like to repeat the quiz and get my certificate
I'll do it later if you don't mind - I have to go now