Welcome back. Perhaps you'd like to tell me what you'd like me to call you in this exam?

Hello kiddo.

You have to get every question right to pass the Very Hard Exam about FORKS AND SKEWERS.

If you get a question wrong you get sent to prison for ten years!

So you need to be very careful and think very hard.

I'll have to be very careful not to make mistakes.
Great. At least I won't have to go to school.
There's no way I'm risking going to prison!
Only your first answer counts.

If you get a question wrong first time you can try again but you won't score a point.

If you really want to be sent to prison give the right answer, then the wrong answer!

Q1. Where should the WHITE ROOK move to FORK TWO BLACK PAWNS?

Q2. Where should the WHITE ROOK move to FORK TWO BLACK PAWNS?

Q3. Where should the WHITE move a PAWN to FORK the BLACK ROOKS?

Q4. Where should the WHITE ROOK move to SKEWER TWO BLACK PAWNS?

Q5. Where should the WHITE ROOK move to SKEWER TWO BLACK PAWNS?
Congratulations, Kiddo!!

You have now completed the ROOK quiz.

After this lesson you'll be able to play some more games of CAPTURE THE FLAG, but this time with ROOKS as well as PAWNS.

We're now adding an extra rule.

You may already have noticed that when you get a pawn to the end it turns into a queen. This is what (usually) happens when you play a full game of chess.

Our new rule is that if your opponent gets a pawn to the end you have one move in which to capture it. You now have to make a move with your QUEEN in order to win the game.

A QUEEN moves like a ROOK but it also moves diagonally, which, as you'll find out next lesson, is like a BISHOP.

You'll soon be able to move on and take the part of a different soldier in the army.

But first you and I are have some more battles to fight. When you've completed these assignments you'll be able to learn about the other pieces.

Awesome! I'm ready to take you on!
I'd like to repeat the quiz first and get my certificate
I'll do it later if you don't mind - I have to go now